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Trade liberalisation, market power and scale efficiency in Indian industry

Show simple item record Balakrishnan, Pulapre Pushpangadan, K. Babu, M. Suresh 2019-06-14T06:08:43Z 2019-06-14T06:08:43Z 2002 en_US 2002-08
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/234
dc.description.abstract Using information on listed firms in each of the industry groups at the two-digit level within Manufacturing this study investigates whether the radical shift in trade policy in India in 1991 resulted in a reduction in market power and/or an improvement in scale efficiency. We estimate a group-wise production function allowing for firm-specific effects. A plausible estimate of market power is obtained and the assumption of constant returns to scale is mostly rejected. As regards the effects of the trade-policy shock of 1991, evidence of a move to a more competitive market structure or of an improvement in scale efficiency is not widespread across Indian manufacturing. en_US
dc.format.extent 44 en_US
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.publisher Centre for Development Studies en_US
dc.source Centre for Development Studies en_US
dc.subject Trade liberalisation; Market power; Scale Economies en_US
dc.subject.ddc DDC::300=Social sciences::340=Law::343=Military, tax, trade & industrial law en_US
dc.title Trade liberalisation, market power and scale efficiency in Indian industry en_US
dc.type text en_US 2002-08 Trivandrum en_US
lrmi.learningResourceType book en_US

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