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Taxing powers and developmental role of the Indian states: a study with reference to Kerala

Show simple item record Mohan, R. Shyjan, D. 2019-06-14T10:55:59Z 2019-06-14T10:55:59Z 2005 en_US 2005-08
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/273
dc.description.abstract The study analyses whether the growing State Domestic Product (SDP) of Kerala since the latter half of the 1980s, has acted as a larger resource base for the State and finds that it has not. While the inability to fully tap the existing resource potential could be cited as a reason, the paper argues that the main constraint is the limited taxing powers of the States. The Study concludes that the power to tax the services should be devolved from the Centre to the States, lest the fiscal dispossession should affect the sustainability of achievements, which made the development experience of Kerala unique en_US
dc.format.extent 61 en_US
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.publisher Centre for Development Studies en_US
dc.source Centre for Development Studies en_US
dc.subject Revenue Receipts, Tax Effort, SDP en_US
dc.subject.ddc DDC::300=Social sciences::340=Law::343=Military, tax, trade & industrial law en_US
dc.title Taxing powers and developmental role of the Indian states: a study with reference to Kerala en_US
dc.type text en_US 2005-08 Trivandrum en_US
lrmi.learningResourceType book en_US

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